Thursday, July 15, 2010

Teacher Leader Interview 4

1. Why did you decide to take this interview for me? You are a good friend and former colleague! :)

2. How would you define teacher leadership? The ability to lead with effectiveness and passion. It requires the ability to listen, take advice, and acknowledge that everyone can contribute as well. Teachers must understand that students all learn differently and we must adjust to that, no matter how difficult it may be.

3. What contributions have you made as a teacher leader in your school, district, and community? How did you become involved in making these contributions (volunteering, required by administrator, paid role, etc.)? I have been on several different committees at my school, and my previous schools. They were all volunteer basis. I have continued my education by getting my masters degree, and will continue my education further with other classes to help support new ideas that will help me become a better teacher.

4. What are some examples of good leading (students, classroom, teachers, support staff, parents, community, etc.)? What challenges have you observed or experienced in these leadership roles?Good leading involves good management as well as support. Students help support and manage each other, when modeled by the teacher. Example: I refer to my students as ma'am and sir. I always say please and thank you. They in turn see that as respect and give respect in return. Directions are given clearly and repeated as necessary. Time is given for questions and no question is seen as silly. Challenges have come with non supportive parents. Parents who see discipline as being "mean" to their child is very hard for me. They often want to be their child's friend more than a parent, or will just simply blame their child's behavior on others rather than take advice given on how to help.

5. What inspires and/or encourages you to lead? Are there any specific experiences that have inspired/encouraged you? I like a challenge. I am also a control freak in a lot of ways. I like to see things through and get things done. I like to see others succeed, so being a leader helps in that way.

6. What hinders you from leading? Can you describe any experiences where you were hindered from leading? Others who have the same, or stronger personality than me. We may butt heads at times, and then I may back off when I should stand my ground. There are a couple of people I work with, who I shall not name names, who just love to get their way, and often I will just let it go when I know darn well I need to speak up and I find myself regretting it later.

7. Why did you become a teacher or become involved with the school system? I worked with children from the time I could babysit. I tried other jobs but never felt satisfied. I hated them. Kids are my life. I feel so rewarded in my job. I can't see myself doing anything else.

8. How would you define "school culture"? How important is school culture in creating an effective learning environment? What factors affect school culture negatively and positively? School culture is made up of many things: the types of students you have; the types of colleagues you work with, and the administration. You can't control the students you get, but the people you work with can definitely affect the negative aspect. I find a lot of people are just negative. That totally sucks. They often see the glass as half empty rather than half full. I like to be positive. We may not like all the things we have to do but we should just look at the bright side of it. The kids feed off of negativity. Then the spiral downward begins.

9. What advice would you give teachers (or other members of the school community) who want to become more involved in teacher leadership? How might you inspire them? Give them both sides. Teaching is hard work, but it is very rewarding. They have to know it's hard, but they also have to know what they get out of it. If they are truly wanting to be leaders, they will do it.

10. How does the administration at your school affect teacher leadership? Their attitude. If they present a positive light on things, then we are on board. If they are negative Nelly's, then forget it. It's hard to work for someone who is on your case all the time, or showing favoritism for someone.

11. How do you deal with negativity at your school? I try to look past it but it's very hard at times.

12. How do balance your personal and professional responsibilities? I leave work at work. I try not to bring work home with me. If I do, thank god I have kids who can help!

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